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Titel"The improvement of the production and quality : the case of wine production in the Easter Lombardy during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (provinces of Bergamo and Brescia)
VerantwortlichPaolo Tedeschi
Verfasser/in Tedeschi, Paolo
Publikationstyp Aufsatz
Erschienen 2020
QuelleWinegrowing and Regional Features / edited by Silvia A. Conca Messina, Stéphane Le Bras, Paolo Tedeschi, Manuel Vaquero PiÄneiro. - Cham, 2020. - (A History of Wine in Europe, 19th to 20th Centuries | Volume I). - 978-3-030-27774-1. - Seite 197-225
Schlagwörter Lombardei | Weinproduktion | Wein | Qualität | Geschichte 1800-2000